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What is a MHOC?

Montessori House of Children – A Prepared Environment which includes child friendly furniture, scientifically designed materials, a trained Montessori adult, absence of an imposed daily schedule and presence of an environment that supports freedom of thought and choice of activity,  independence, confidence, self-discipline, responsibility and mutual respect.

In a MHOC, children are admitted at the age of two-and-a-half years. When they leave at the age of six, they have with them the basics of learning – knowledge of the world around them, the ability to write, the ability to read, and the ability to perform the four arithmetic operations (addition, multiplication, subtraction, and division). Several of the subjects like history, geography, sciences etc are introduced to them as items of human culture.

Worth much more than all these is the sense of self-worth and the self-esteem that they develop. Self-worth and self-esteem are what that makes a child happy. Sense of freedom and independence is a great advantage to life. Discipline becomes part of his life, self imposed. There is no bitterness about it.

A Montessori House of Children is a place where children are guided in their activities by Adults trained in Montessori Methodology. The Montessori-trained adult plays a very critical role in the development of the Child’s personality and intellect. Instilling self-confidence and thereby building the child’s self-esteem will be one of the main tasks of the Montessori-trained adult in a Montessori environment. It provides him with the necessary base to face the rigors of life positively.

Statistics and studies have established beyond doubt that individuals who began their learning years in a Montessori environment have fared much better in lives than children who underwent conventional education in their early years. In fact this is one major reason for the ever-growing popularity of the Montessori Methodology.